
Shoot Dead Palestinian villagers Already Defenseless, Israeli soldiers on trial

JERUSALEM - An Israeli soldier started to stand trial for shooting dead a Palestinian wounded. The soldiers shot dead the victim in the head. Yet at that time, the victim was helpless and lying in a state other soldiers were injured after being shot.

In the session held today as reported by AFP on Monday (05/09/2016), the presiding judge read out the charges against Elor Azaria, surrounded by his family in the crowded courtroom. Israeli army declared the 19-year-old had shot dead a 21-year-old Palestinian youth on 24 March in the city of Hebron, south of the West Bank.

In a widely circulated video footage, looks Palestinians named Abdul Fatah al-Sharif lying on the ground in injured condition along with another man, after being shot after stabbing an Israeli soldier. Azaria who was not at the time of insertion is done Sharif, later appeared in the tape and look Sharif shot in the head just like that without provocation.

Azaria According to lawyers, their clients thought the Palestinians were wearing a bomb belt. Shot in the head, killing it instantly Sharif.

Among high-level officials have condemned Israeli military actions Azaria who also has French citizenship. But right-wing politicians calling Azaria had been treated unfairly.

Last month, thousands of people staged a demonstration in support of the Israeli army. They also called for the release of the soldiers. (detik)

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