
Indonesia is important, but Aceh Far More Important

Banda Aceh city government held the International Seminar and Executive Meeting in Building AAC Dayan Dawood Banda Aceh. Tuesday, May 10, 2016. The event is one of a series of events commemorating the 811th anniversary of the city of Banda Aceh. In the agenda was attended by all regents and mayors throughout Indonesia who are members of the network assigned to the Indonesian city (JKPI), deputy, secretary general, district secretary, the SKPA, academics, as well as other invited guests.
Illiza Saaduddin Djamal as mayor of Banda Aceh said that this event is very important for our city of Banda Aceh in Indonesia heritage city network.
This international seminar was arranged for the importance of respecting historical heritage for all of us. Speaking heritage is not only done by the department of PU copyrighted works but also other agencies.
It would be better to value the award's history a lot to learn in the cities in the world. Banda Aceh as the old town is already fetched the various works of heritage. Banda Aceh is also the capital of the kingdom of Aceh. When led by Sultan Iskandar Muda experienced the heyday of the gold which is known to various parts of the world. "The leadership of Iskandar Muda still be the foundation for the people of Aceh and surrounding areas today," said the mayor.
Aceh has been able to build the first country with a very tranquil, one proof is Gampong Pande who became a point 0 Banda Aceh. in this village there are also many treasures Banda Aceh, there are also the tombs of the kings are also thousands of ancient tombstones.
It is a piece of heritage that drove many of Banda Aceh city as a world heritage city "Indonesia is important, but more important Aceh with historical heritage," said the mother.

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