
Orlando gay club shooting motivated terrorism, 50 people were killed

Penembakan klub gay Orlando bermotif terorisme, 50 orang tewas

The death toll as a result of the shooting incident nightclub gay 'Pulse' in the city of Orlando, Florida, USA, on Sunday (12/6) early this morning increases. Mayor Buddy Dyer claimed at least paramedics reported that there were 50 bodies from the scene, including the perpetrators shot dead by police, as reported by AFP news agency.

The perpetrator had taken hostages. When in action, the man identified as Omar Mir Seddique Mateen was carrying a machine gun and a pistol type AR15.

Eyewitnesses, Ricardo Negron, hanging out with his friends at a nightclub called 'Pulse' it. Suddenly a man entered carrying a firearm. In addition to those killed, at least 53 people taken to hospital because of injuries.

"The atmosphere was a mess. The people in front of me falling bullets. The perpetrator seems could fire into the roof of the room because the bulbs were falling on us," said Negron.

The perpetrator is a US citizen descent Afghanistan. Mateen, aged 29 years, is known to act alone. Police are looking for the possibility of a radical understanding Mateen affected. It is unclear whether he was in action for coordination with certain militant groups.

Police suspect the incident was almost certainly motivated terrorism. "We mengakategorikannya as domestic terrorism," said Jerry Demings, Orange County Sheriff's Police.

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