
American Taliban Acknowledge Greatness

The death toll of British troops in Afghanistan has now reached 135 people. Site The Daily Telegraph writes, the number of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan has reached 135 after England lost another prjuritnya in Helmand province recently.

Still according to the Daily Telegraph, news of the death of British soldier to be released when the 135th British Defense Secretary John Hutton said his country would examine carefully any request troop increase there.

Hutton also did not dismiss the possibility of sending additional troops to Afghanistan.

Acknowledge ability Taliban

Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates acknowledges Taliban's ability to carry out attacks against foreign troops in Afghanistan. According to IRNA, Robert Gates in a statement at Kandahar Afghanistan acknowledged that the activities of armed militias opposition groups in southwest Afghanistan has increased and has now become a threat to the Taliban government and foreign military forces.

Robert Gates also said Washington until the summer of 2009 will send seven thousand new troops to Afghanistan.

America after January 2009 would send 4,000 troops to Afghanistan. This figure increased in 12 to 18 months to reach 20,000. US military forces are spread in 165 camps on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

When the US intends to send additional troops to Afghanistan, this week a number of indigenous leaders in eastern Khost province this country urged President-elect Barack Obama to cancel sending new troops to Afghanistan. Now, 35,000 US military forces in Afghanistan.
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