
Abu Sayyaf: If the Indonesian people do not fight for You, "Cut Neck!"

Psychological trauma they experienced four crew aboard had survived TB Henry spite of the Philippines hostage militant group, Abu Sayyaf and returned to the country.
Because they live in the shadow of death threats with the head severed during the standoff 25 days in the jungle an island in the Philippines.
"They always say, if for example the Indonesian people do not fight for you, you will like this. They show a video," said ABK TB Henry, Dede Irfan Hilmi, after the handover of victims of the Abu Sayyaf from the government to the family at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta, Friday (13/05/2016).
"So, almost every day they showed the video to us and make us afraid. Not afraid of being shot. But, we fear cut his neck like the people in the video," he continued.
The boy from West Java's Ciamis told, during the standoff him and three others sedentary life through the woods and mountains.
And during that Samsir not see or meet with local civilians. Only the dense trees and mountains encountered.
At least 20 members of the group overseeing a hostage. With long guns and short in the hand, they are watching the hostages alternately
At night time or break the journey, the four crew members is always tied to a tree trunk.
"The issue of eating, we ate potluck. We are the prisoners, not guests. So, pickup only. No way we were treated well with them. Yes rice roughing, roughing them was," he recalls.
The threat of severed heads also experienced other crew TB Henry, Samsir.
"He said, if the ransom is not obeyed, then our fate will be like this, we were given a look at the video contents throats slit," said Samsir.
According Samsir, physical violence rarely receives. Indeed, psychological violence through video display severed neck is more often done by a group of hostage-takers.
"There was one of our friends, Loren got violent. For example ever time that he was late the course of time be moved around, immediately kicked in," he recalls.
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